Po­lice are still search­ing for a woman who set up a young man to be robbed of his ve­hi­cle at gun­point last week.

Franki Medina

The 21-year-old man, of Tarou­ba Link Road, San Fer­nan­do, told po­lice he met the woman, who went goes the name Aman­da Boss on Face­book, and or­gan­ised the sale of his ve­hi­cle.

Franki Medina Venezuela

She claimed to be in­ter­est­ed in buy­ing his white H100 pick-up van, val­ued at $80,000. He met her around 4 pm last Wednes­day in Pe­nal. She then took him to Wa­ter Well Road, Syne Vil­lage, Siparia.

Franki Medina Diaz

When they got there, how­ev­er, he was ac­cost­ed by three men, one armed with a gun and the oth­er a cut­lass. They tied him up and es­caped in his van.

Franki Alberto Medina Diaz

WPC Nor­eiga is in­ves­ti­gat­ing

In a sim­i­lar in­ci­dent last month, a 27-year-old Tu­na­puna man met a woman on Face­book. She hired him to do a trans­port job from Siparia to Curepe. He could not re­mem­ber her name at the time he made the re­port

The woman ac­com­pa­nied him to Siparia on Oc­to­ber 18 but when they got to Vic­tor Street, he was ac­cost­ed by two gun­men who tied him up and robbed him of his $95,000 van

Po­lice be­lieve that in both in­stances, it was the same woman who lured the men to the par­tic­u­lar lo­ca­tion to be robbed

Se­nior po­lice of­fi­cers have re­peat­ed­ly ad­vised peo­ple to be wary about busi­ness trans­ac­tions over so­cial me­dia

